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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Second language Speech Competition

We have some talented students at our school!


  1. I was extremely proud of our ELIP students, for their courage and ability in speaking in English in front of their peers.
    I was particularly proud of Judy, who (like everyone else, was offered the chance to start again if she needed to)came back from her "frozen" moment to deliver her winning speech! Students in Room 29, who were part of the audience commented later that they thought she was a Kiwi - "she was SO good!" they said "we thought she was English!" - well deserved praise, Judy!
    Judging was a difficult task, as several students were very close in scores, but the judges' decision was unanimous in choosing Judy for 1st place, Kevin for 2nd place and Daniel for 3rd place. Captivating delivery meant that the audience were completely engaged in enjoying these speeches.
    Thank you for the opportunity to witness your incredible skill and talents - you are ALL amazing!
    Mrs Francie Champion

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Opps I removed the post because I made an error - see even teachers make errors!

    I wanted to say, thank you Mrs Champion, I agree with your comments.

    Also I would like to thank our judges Mrs Champion, Mrs Kwon and Mrs Kirkbride. You did a wonderful job!
    Bring on 2011!
    Miss Opera
